Tuesday 5 April 2016

OUGD503 - John Lewis - Window Display

Our window display

With time running out our order of a plastic acrylic sheet didn't come which we ordered a week before the deadline. We came up with the idea of going to the print room and using acetate paper to put across it so that we could put up our illustrations and designs on the front. I went down and visited woodwork within uni and asked to create me a wooden version of the maquette that I had created earlier.  I printed out all the elements of the display that would be pieced together in the print room.  All of us were present during the actual piecing together of the display - Nathan and myself went and got it created in the woodwork, and printed out all the resources to used it for the display. I was over the moon with the final outcome. It felt like it was John Lewis and I felt like we did a good job considering our acrylic didn't come on the date we ordered it. 

A maquette I made myself so that the wood department would have a general knowledge of what I wanted to create. 

The Final wooden piece created in the wood department in university. 

Our final model of our interactive window display. I personally really liked the final outcome and was pleased to have something physical for this brief. 

I really think the illustrations shone through this model. It made the model itself feel more homely and more like something that John Lewis would create themselves. 

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