Tuesday 26 April 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 01 - Research into Islam (British Museum)

After the money exhibition I had a vague idea of what I wanted to achieve. I wanted to look at Islam as I was already fascinated by the patterns and the religion itself.  By doing so I decided to visit I decided to put all my images together on Imgur to show the variation of research that I have done.  http://imgur.com/a/Qvv64

They even had currency within the exhibition. The currency looked very ancient as everything was hand made. The detail on each coin is very precise with again something iconic like a picture of a human or something that could be represented as God. 

Looking at the vases and the patterns that are done so naturally by hand. 

Looking at objects that are either stone or metal and how different the detail within the patterns are.  On the image on the left there looks like a man riding an animal of some sort showing power. Whilst the patterns within the man are scribbles of some sort. The image on the right is carved onto the metal and is very precise with various patterns throughout. Overall, I love how precise each bit of detail is done within both of these circular objects. 

Looking closer at the finish of a ceramics piece. It shows how precise you have to be with the detail. What I love about this pattern and this ceramic piece is that it has human error on it. You can see that the painting isn't exactly accurate and this is something that you do not see very often anymore. 

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