Tuesday 5 April 2016

OUGD503 - John Lewis - Further Development

Throughout the whole project me and Nathan have been working very closely on each design. Collectively we have spent a lot of time after university working together on each design and giving feedback sessions. We even invited the Illustrators to come over to Nathan's to collectively see our designs and see how we can help each other to further these designs. 

First Draft:

Second Draft:

Nathan created the majority of these posters whilst I was there next to him collectively putting ideas together to create these designs. Although Nathan was behind the laptop at this design I think we both collectively put in the ideas to create these posters; helping each other lay out the page and constantly giving feedback to each other. Personally these posters feel more simple however, I do like the first drafts as they incorporate the illustrators work within the work which makes it feel more personal and homely. 


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