Friday 13 May 2016

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Overfishing publication

The front cover of the book. 
I wanted to keep the information booklet short and informative. As I have with my poster I wanted my booklet to be interactive and easy to understand. I decided to use the logo that I created for this campaign as it was simple to understand and made you aware of what the book is about. 

The middle of the book I decided to use acetate paper mixed with paper that I bought in Fred Aldous. 

Here you see two images where I have used illustrations on the main booklet showing fish. In the other image you see how the use of acetate paper has made the booklet more interactive by showing the fish being caught by the net. On the acetate paper on the other side of the net there is more information that links with the cool blue paper. 

The back cover. A simple back cover with the website link on the bottom right. There are also numerous of other groups that support overfishing and they are mentioned in the middle of the back page. 

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