The module OUGD505 was one that I really enjoyed and one that I learnt the most from. This module was basically preparing yourself for level 6. The briefs were more self-directed. Studio brief 01 gave us the freedom to create our own banknotes that could relate to anything that we research. Studio brief 02 on the other hand, was much more informative and more about researching. This module has taught me a lot more about how and what I need to research when looking into something new. Personally, this brief I did a lot more research than I would in any other module as I had to research and link everything together so that it wasn’t made without a purpose. As I progress into level 6 I believe my body of work is getting larger and I am enjoying coming into university and studying.
What I enjoyed most about this brief is that everything was very self-directed. Studio brief 01 I decided to create banknotes for gender equality but targeting women who live in countries that do not agree with women equality. This led me to research into countries that do not support women equality such as United Arab Emirates. I also found out that the UAE is an Islamic country therefore, I decided to visit the British Museum and go into the Islamic world to get further research. I then used the patterns I found in the museum to influence my own designs. I also managed to research henna and make that the feminine touch to my banknotes. To conclude, I think studio brief 01 was very enjoyable and I found screen printing a lot more relaxing than last time.
Studio Brief 02 on the other hand, was very research heavy. Fishing is something that I am very passionate about and when working in a group exercise I wanted to learn and campaign more overfishing. This way I would be more ambitious to learn a new topic of interest and put it towards my research and development. I also wanted to give myself a challenge. I wanted to take something that is not globally recognised and then campaign for it to see how far I could potentially take it. Overfishing was something that I very much enjoyed researching and learning from. I also liked that I put my own twist on the campaign by making it more expressive and monochrome to try to reach out to a further target audience as well as making people want to stop and think about my posters and designs. The theme of the campaign was to keep it as simple as possible and to make it interactive and expressive within my designs.
I think I learnt a lot about researching and using that research to influence your designs. In previous modules, I didn’t think as much as I did for these briefs. All my designs were linked to my research and I even learnt a new technique of laser cutting. For one of my posters in studio brief 02, I was advised to use the laser cutting machine to save time and to make it more precise. In the future, I hope to use more printing methods like I have in these two briefs. I have used both screen printing and laser cutting to experiment more with my work and to not stay so much digital within my own work.
To conclude, I was very satisfied with my final outcomes and how they came out for both studio brief 01 and 02. Although I think my outcomes are normally quite strong I feel as it I have done a lot more research than I have in the past and I have actually enjoyed researching this time. As level 5 comes to an end, I believe I am ready to progress into the third year as I have learnt a lot throughout the year especially researching, experimenting, developing and making sure my final outcomes are linked with my research. I am very satisfied with my final outcomes for these two briefs and believe they have matched the brief that I have set them myself. I hope to continue getting better and stronger as I progress into the final year.
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