Thursday 7 January 2016

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 03 - Coffee experiments.

I created a short little clip of me messing around with typography made out of coffee.

I recently watched a short clip on youtube of Stefan Sagmeister and his video had influenced me to create my own version. Stefan Sagmeister is an artist who I have known about since I started college almost 4 years ago and he is an artist that I inspire to be like. I like his use of typography in a way that isn't very common and can be seen as strange. 
Stefan Sagmeister - The happy film.

I also created numerous amount of stencils that I used throughout my publication. I decided to use the coffee typography that I made for both my front and back. 
After a day I came back to see my coffee and it had dried out and stayed like this. I decided to use the black and white version for my back cover. The back cover is meant to be more darker because it is meant to show that it is the end of the publications hence why it is darker just like it happened to me after a day. 
I decided to create a stencil made out of card that I then cut out using a scalpel. I am now aware that we have a laser machine that would make it easier for me next time. Although I am now aware that we have a laser machine I am a big believer of doing it yourself as it makes it more personal to you. 

In general I am very happy with how my coffee has worked out. 

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