Thursday 30 April 2015

OUUGD406 - Studio Brief 04 - Idea Generation

For my initial ideas I decided to create a journal that was directed at COP, PPP and SP. However after an interim crit I was told that it wasn’t focusing on the topic of cooking enough and decided to play around with the element of cooking more. I decided to be a bit more playful and interactive with the upcoming first years to make sure that they can have a laugh and not take everything very serious because it can really stress you out.

I decided to make it a bit more fun and decided to change the name of the modules with a cooking surprise. I changed each word to something more fun. An example of this is how I changed the word Lecturer to Chef. I wanted to let the first years understand that not everything needs to be serious and that you can have some fun with your work. I decided to use an illustrative theme throughout my cookbook guide relating it back to graphic design throughout the book. I wanted to use an illustraive front cover that would have amateur chef as your name whilst having the title of a cookbook guide for anything that is graphic design related. For example having Amateur Chef Danny Carter Cookbook guide for Context of Practice. 

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