Tuesday, 21 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 3 - Development

From the feedback we were given by Simon, as a group we identified a new target audience - as our previous one was not very suitable - being design students that are around 18+ and creative professionals. 

As we reestablished a target audience, we realised that it was unnecessary to carry out the idea of the screen print flip book, as well as to include information about the screen printing process the in booklet (extended leaflet). We ultimately decided to scratch the idea of the booklet in the end. A very key point of the next development stage was also to lose the feel of the branding following something similar to NHS. Looking back over what we had presented, areas of it did look extremely corporate, and lacked a personal approach to the exhibition.

We've decided to base the areas of branding that we would create around the colour theory we created for the name tags, that way we can make something that's more inclusive and personal to the people exhibiting the exhibition.

One of the main things that we picked up from our interim pitch/crit was that our tutor kept mentioning the word "contemporary" - he believed that we needed to edit our designs so that they had a more contemporary appearance. This is something that we plan to explore.

Our tutor also felt that it was unnecessary to include the word "leeds" in our exhibition name as it is only in Leeds. We decided to simply take it out and leave it as "#coverup". This was also an advantage since it's shorter so it's simpler to read / remember. 

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