Monday 13 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 - Study Task 2

Book cover Analysis:

Who designed the cover: Noel Cunningham
What is the intended message: Definitive guide to using classic typographic concepts of form and structure to make dynamic compositions for screen based applications and for web design, interaction design and motion graphics.
Semiotics behind the message: The word 'type' is supported by a text box around. Looks like the word type is create via 'create outlines'. Teaches you how to how to style beautiful, function and navigate text. It also teaches you the principles of animation to text and how to create compelling logos and icons.
Is the cover successful in communication the message: No I don't think so because it shows a blurred image of who I presume is Ellen Lupton. It uses the structure of a grid which is the only positive but the text alone doesn't comprehend the book. The gradient doesn't work and neither does white text on white. However, some may say it works because it shows how to function text and how to style it.

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