Thursday, 30 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 04 - Final Outcomes

For our final book we decided to collaborate together equally. We created a little booklet that informs students of what to expect from ‘student food’. We wanted to create a simple yet informative booklet in order to aware students of possible outcomes. We wanted to keep it black and white to highlight the importance of how serious a persons health can be. 

We then thought of rounding the series of booklets with a sticker collection. This sticker collection is to allow students to stick these into their books in order to remind themselves of ‘things’ such as coursework and deadlines and so that they do not forget these. We wanted these stickers to be placed around their books when they have a deadline or when they have a print room booked in because we understand how frustrating it can be missing or forgetting a reserved slot. The stickers are very vibrant and would be easily recognisable. 

To conclude, it was very enjoyable to have collaborated with Paayal because we were constantly working together on this brief and have both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We are both very satisfied with our final outcomes and hope to inform the next years of how important healthy eating is as well as keeping to a daily routine. 

Each book has a different purpose however works well as a set because one book is about healthy eating and how serious it should be taken. The second book is about terminology of type and how you should have a laugh with your projects and enjoy them. Whilst the last book is about keeping a daily routine and managing your time under each project such as COP, PPP and SP. I hope to collaborate with more students throughout the next year and I hope to work with Paayal together as I believe we create a strong team and have a strong bond that motivates each other to work harder and to gain better work. 

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