Saturday 17 January 2015

Studio Brief 04 rebranding a local shop + research (OUGD405)

For studio brief 4 I was given a week to try come up with an idea that would of been generated from my research from studio brief 2 and 3. I noticed in Leeds that there are no snappysnap shops around and that there are very few local shops that develop cameras.

I wanted to rebrand a local shop that I found called Picturetheprint. I then decided to email the owner and ask him what he would change and whether it would be ok to rebrand his shop. After finding out a little about him and his shop I decided that the logo wasn't showing what his company does which is develop and print. I wanted to enhance this shop and make it more memorable and decided to create an app that would help people sort their images and photographs out and then be able to print on various different materials such as t-shirts, mugs and many more.

I also noticed that a lot of apps today have a lot of filters and I believe this hides photography and this makes photos look more unrealistic and fake. We as viewers are also unsure whether that is the original photo or whether it has been edited and I think that softwares such as photoshop hinder photography in general.

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