Sunday 18 January 2015

Studio Brief 04 - Final outcome (OUGD405)

For my final outcome I have created an app and a logo that would be used within the company PictureThePrint.
I designed these logos to be used for the icon to be used for printing as well as the logo. 

Main page. The original was a light green colour however, it was changed after my final crit I was suggested to have a consistent colour throughout my apps so that it could work as one, I have therefore changed it all to black and I believe it looks more professional and like an actually app. 

I am fairly satisfied with my final outcome because it is an app that could be potentially used to help people remember their memories. I myself would like an app like this because I use an iphone and it is awful and hard to use and isn't very compatible when it comes to printing a folder. 

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