Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Researching books

We were given a new brief to design a booklet bases on our research that we gathered in Studio Brief 2. I decided to look at various ways to present a booklet.

I enjoyed the simplicity of the book and how its surrounded by a lot of white space giving the book a lot of space to breath in. 

I also liked this book because it looks very personal and has a variety of image sizes that vary from only having one image on one page to one image across a spread. 

I like the contrast between the black and the white and how the text is quite small and how it is not the main source in the book. 

Here are two booklets that I was given by Simon to have a look at which I found especially interesting. I liked how the book was almost made up of two books that work together as one. I loved the use of photography inside and how it reminded me of memories of me when I was younger.  I liked how the book was also square as its not very common and how slick it looked as two books in one. 

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