Monday, 10 November 2014

Promoting a cause (OUGD403)

Whilst researching my posters I decided to look at ways of promoting a cause. There was one cause that especially grabbed my attention.

The Pilion Trust Charity
This is a charity that had one man dress himself with board saying 'Help the poor' get no attention. Everyone goes past him and no one acknowledged him and his charity work. The following day the same man work a similar board on him saying 'Fuck the poor'. This new approach sees the public turn an eye and question him and even throw things at him. This shows how ignorant we are to things we see on a daily basis such as helping the poor. I really enjoyed watching the video because it shows that we ignore things such as charities on a daily basis however, when we go against something as big as the poor then we realise that we do actually care.

I wanted to share this because it shows that we as a whole do care and do want to make a difference. I hope to take some of these positives and possibly try it in my own work.

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