Monday, 10 November 2014

Final Crit for Alphabet Soup (OUGD403)

We had our final crit today which in my opinion went very well. I decided to present my work on matt paper with 3 different designs.  I started by looking vaguely at Times Roman which didnt look too peaceful and after discussing with my friends especially Liam Sayer we decided that my typeface should be more subtle in order to achieve my final outcome. I started off by taking off the serifs and making it more curved. I wanted the 'peaceful' to feature smooth, loving, friendly and neutral.
My typeface was originally different because I felt that the crit was too short as I ran out of time. (I was the last person in my group).

My first page consisted of my lowercase alphabet. I believe it was a real success because in my crit everyone including Simon believed that it looked like a typeface and it demonstrated peaceful. I got told that the letters are minimalistic and are easily readable. 

I decided to print the word peaceful to see whether the type produces what it says 'peaceful' 

The last page I decided to print was a pangram which consists of every letter. 

I think that the letters work together and have features of the word peaceful. I was very satisfied with my final outcome and have learn a lot from this brief especially with illustrator. 

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