Sunday, 16 November 2014

Final Crit (OUGD403)

Today, we had our final crit which I believe was very beneficial to me because my friends noticed things that I haven't.

In my crit, I was told that my choice of font was very good in my text and image poster and that its clear that I put a lot of effort into these. At first I was struggling with these posters however, with everyone's support and my friends helping me I am aware of what needed to be done. I am also aware that I have used 3 colours instead of two for my image only poster.

I was also told that my posters could be more visually similar and I couldn't agree more now that I have seen some of my friends works. I do however feel that I have still accomplished well in this brief because I misinterpreted the brief and I thought all three posters had to convey the same message and had to work as a set in that format. I believe I have learnt a lot from this module and hope to continue working as hard as I believe I have.

Text only. 

Image only. 

Text and Image

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