Sunday, 9 November 2014

Fibonacci and Golden Ratio (OUGD403)

I had missed a lesson due to illness on Fibonacci and Golden Ratio so have therefore decided to go through the powerpoint myself and write down what I have learnt and what I still need to question my teachers about.

1.62 forms the basis of paper sizes and this benefits the balance of design.
Fibonacci sequence ratio 8:13 links to Golden section.

We see the golden ratio work on human faces too.  Human body parts are proportioned based on the ratio down the fingers themselves.

We even see social media such as twitter use the golden ratio to base its design. 

I had then found the golden section page layour of Jan Tschichold very interesting and have decided to take key information that could benefit me for my designs. (

To create a proportional system you need to “draw a diagonal line from upper left corner to lower right corner of the right-hand page. The draw a second diagonal from upper right to lower left of the entire spread. Now draw a text/image area box so that the upper and lower right corners are on the

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