Saturday, 3 October 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Brief 01 - Feedback crits

For our first crit I decided to show my mockup. I started by ensuring that all tabs were equal length and would fold over one another and that each number was visible even when the folds were down. I find that, with every project, colour is incredibly important. I hope to improve my ability to use colour during the year. 
I decided to put 'my design process' in the middle within another hexagon. The hexagon in the middle was actually meant to be on the other side (right image) so that everything would make sense once you looked at it from that side. However, in my crit my colleges suggested to keep the title on the back side (left image) because if someone picked it up from the other side they wouldn't know what the leaflet was about. 

I then decided to ask a few question about my hexagon fold. Here are my results:

1: Does each icon make sense?
- In general, most of the answers were yes. They liked that it was simple and easy to understand. 

2: What do you think of the two colours chosen?
- In general, most people said that the two colours do not work well together and that they are a bit serious and boring. I was also told to try play white with another colour as they liked the icons standing out in white. 

3: Does each tab need a title? For example should tab number 1 have the words brief next to it. 
- Most of my friends said that there is no real need for each tab to have a title but to try and maximise the looks of the icons so that they are more clear. 

4: Are the numbers visible enough or do they need to increase?
- Everyone seemed to think that the numbers are in fact already too big and should come down a few sizes to which I completely agree. 

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