Wednesday 4 January 2017

OUGD603 - Distant branding - Initial ideas

For the initial ideas,  I decided to play around with the name ‘Distant’ and my research. Throughout my research I found that the two artists both use electronic music in a subtle way. 
By watching their promotional video you wouldn’t expect that many musical equipment in a music video. Therefore I looked further into electronic music and how I can make their logo communicate subtle electronic music. 
I started by playing around with the words Distant and making them look ‘distant’ (from a far). I then started to play around with icons that could potentially be used as iconic figures within their logos such as Kyle always having an afro and Danny always wearing a snapback hat. 

After the initial ideas me and the clients decided that the word ‘Distant’ as a word only logo would work better for their branding as well as making it easier to understand their music. 

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