Sunday 1 January 2017

OUGD603 - Distant Branding - Brief

Third year LCA music students have approached me to create the branding for their new upcoming band. 
I have been given an open brief and will be contacting the two artists constantly throughout London and Leeds. The logo must consists of the words Distant in a word/image format. 
Distant are a music brand that have been working together since they met in Spain. They have both moved from Spain to the UK where they have gone individual directions (London and Leeds) to pursue their ambitions. They are now forming together after 3 years apart in education and would like me to create their branding. 
- Logo
- Business Cards


Distant are two DJ’s who have share a love for music. They both have individuals styles however, when they join together they form electronical music like never heard before. I am going to use this inspiration to create a brand identity that will help Distant improve on their current logo. Using electrical research I will be creating a neat, musical logo. 

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