Friday 17 March 2017

OUGD603 - Paralegal Eagle - Research

Law firm logos
Researching previous law firms and their logos. Within the research, it was aimed towards iconic figures within logos as well as their brand recognition. 
Gold Pier for example, look like a welcoming  yet their eagles stance is firm, representing that they are criminal lawyers. 
As well as their logo icons I researched various type that is used within firm companies. I also researched into colour and gradients as the eagle in the top right hand side was a iconic logo which uses a law icon (weights) and the eagle (my clients icon) 

Further on to the previous research, eagles is a centre point in this brief. The client has a firm name of ‘Paralegal Eagles’ and wants me to design him a logo that consists of ‘something’ related to an eagle. 
Further to the clients needs, I have researched into iconic eagles and their shapes. They have sharp angled wings aswell as a sharp beak. This is what could lead onto the intial ideas/development stage. 
Eagles will be the main icon for the logo/business cards. 

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