Friday 20 November 2015

User Experience

User experience.

What is UX?
Research and testing, Behavioural psychology, Date Analysis, Personal development, Product design, Requirement gathering, Information architecture,
Nomenclature, Copy writing, Tone of voice, Problem exploration, Solution discovery, Prototyping, Interaction design, Interface design, Responsive,
Performance, Visual design, Brand, Marketing and comms, Customer service, Design culture.

> Research > Design > Validate > Moderate >

There is a rise of the Digital Native
-       We all have access to a phone or something electronic.
-       We're more connected to each other than we have ever been and its not going to stop.
Step 1 – Identify your users
-       Lean Personas
-       15 minutes low investment, low risk. Zero waste
-       Team sport
-       Validate and Iterate
Step 2 – Research
-       FOG = Fact, Opinion or guess
-       Surveys
-       Face to face (Coffee shop test)

-       Observation (Be where your users are)

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