Pinterest has a lot of page layout designs that have been published by other artists. This gives graphic designers an opportunity to browse through these books and see 'things' that could inspire them. Here are a few designs that have helped me to develop an idea for my publication.
This book focuses on the contrast between black and white with a subtle colour used in each page. The page layout itself is very minimal with the use of a border surrounding a few words. This page layout makes the book look like a lookbook and not something that you would throw away.
The book has a flat tone, meaning it has no tonal effect. The layout on the left hand side of the page feels as if the model is hidden within this border whilst the other model on the right hand side has an open approach and feels more free. The image is spread across the whole page making the image the centre of attention and this is something that could be enhanced during the publication stage.
What makes this a good publication is the white space giving the image space to breath and be the centre of attention when flicking through this book. This lookbook is based on images whilst being supported by two columns.
There is a gentle touch with this book as the image is very minimal complimenting the neutral type on the other side of the page. The simplicity of the book makes you want to flick through the book and see what is on the other pages. The choice of grey and white work well together, complimenting one another.
The use of vibrant colours in the image makes the text on the other side stand out. Although the text is black, a colour such as white would contrast the background colour of the image and potentially give it more depth.
This is another publication found on Pinterest. This publication has an image on the left with the relevant information on the other side. The 'thing' that works here is the simplicity and the use of a grid. Although both pages have different layouts they both stick to a grid system. This helps the designer to place relevant information in different areas without changing the whole page layout and keeping the publication consistent throughout. This is something that should be taken into consideration when producing a publication as you don't want to keep having to readjust your eyes as the viewer/reader might get bored and stop reading through your book.
This publication uses simplicity within layout and in colour to help enhance the book. The contrast between the pages works well together and maintains a theme throughout. This is a book that looks very clean and precise and focuses on a certain page each time. Each page has either a massive letter or an image that will be focused on. What works best on this publication is that each page is different but still works. It is as if each page has a story of its own, and this is something that as a graphic designer could benefit you.
This is a book that is based on simplicity of the photograph and type. The type looks hand rendered which makes it look delicate, distinct and elegant. This book contains a lot of white space which makes you focus on the photograph. This is something that could be presented when creating a book about coffee shops.
When looking at front covers simplicity is the key. A front cover has to be eye catching, creative and recognisable. This front cover is very vibrant and attracts your eye to open it. The minimalism makes this book stand out. The minimalism comes from a square image being surrounded by patterns that give the image a bit more depth.
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