Monday, 28 September 2015

OUGD504 - Studio Task 1 - Folded Leaflet

In our studio task, we had to work collaboratively together to create our own 'design process'. We all set off individually and had to gather research for what we interpreted as the 'design process'. I started off by going to the library to read a few books on 'how to fold' and managed to pick up and read 'How to fold by Pepin Press' in Vernon Street. After gathering all my research we got together and brainstormed what we all thought was relevant towards the design process.

Here is is our first draft. This is a brainstorm that we created as a group. These are ideas that were shouted out and put together with everyone's research. We had to put everything that we thought was relevant to the design process.

The second poster is a more defined brainstorm which shows what order the design process should be in. This poster shows the steps that we though are required when taking on a new project/brief. Things that could have gone better with this poster could be that this poster would make very little sense to someone who isn't studying graphic design. I think this poster would be more productive if it had illustrations on it so that you could familiarise yourself with the words on the poster. 

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