Monday 17 April 2017

OUGD603 - Squarespace - Research

Researching into website design and how they function. Creating a creative website requires looking at existing websites. Each of these designs uses boxs and wireframes to help organise each website. 
Each website is creative. Willow is simple which uses a simple box layout. 
John Smith website uses geometric shapes to make it more engaging and eye catching. This is a website I will take inspiration from. 

The last website uses boxs only and thin, legible text that demostrates the simplicity. 

Looking at existing wireframes to take inspiration and create a unique, original wireframe to benefit creatives to help them reach out more clients. 
Each wireframe is different, yet both use box’s to demonstrate each image positioning. Although the blue wireframe use words to visualise where  text might be placed. 
I will be using both of the wireframes to develop my own personal wireframe initial ideas. 

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