Friday 7 April 2017

OUGD603 - Prophet - Final outcome

Business cards have been created using the logo as the centre on the front, whilst the back is simply, easy to read and easy to contact. Currently, myself and sam do not want to put any address’ or emails as we want to be personal with our clients by using telephones to communicate easier. 

We have both ordered 50 business cards to use throughout summer for contacts. 

Logo is very simple which has a greek symbol within which relates to unity. The logo is a cut off with the E being used as two lines to keep it unique and original. 

Promotional photography is to help expand the company further. I have played around on photoshop using contrast and levels to change the photographs to match a clean crisp look of the t-shirts/jumpers printed. 

Using models to wear our clothes and being able to take charge of the photography and be the director was satisfying and rewarding. 

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