Saturday, 14 February 2015

OUGD404 - Research - Studio Brief 01

This is an example of how to divide your page into ninths. It consists of two constructions which rely on a 2:3 page ratio. This gives the type the needed height which is shown by the circle in the illustration on the left. This results ina 2:3:4:6 margin.

This is Van de Graafs guide on how Gutenberg divided his page to get margins into 2:9ths. 

 An example of a widow is when you have a phrase, or a selection of words on its own in a separate column to the rest of your paragraphs. This is done by playing around with the tracking and the leading.
 An example of an Orphan. Is when you have one word at the start of the line. In order to remove these orphans is to either shorten your paragraph which is just lazy or to play around with the tracking which will either add a word or remove the orphan placing it on the previous line at the end of the sentence.

An example of a river is when the words form a gap which is spread throughout the paragraph creating an invisible river. This happens mostly in justified text as the text is spread out more.

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